合 使用数据泵基于flashback_scn+OGG微服务零停机迁移12c到19c
使用OGG for MySQL微服务快速双向同步RDS数据库:https://www.dbaup.com/shiyongoggweifuwukuaisushuangxiangtongburdsshujuku.html
OGG用于跨云RDS for MySQL之间配置双主实时同步–OGG远程捕获和投递:https://www.dbaup.com/oggyongyukuayunrdszhijianpeizhishuangzhushishitongbuyuanchengbuhuohetoudi.html
otter用于跨云RDS for mysql之间配置双主实时同步:https://www.dbaup.com/otteryongyukuayunrdszhijianpeizhishuangzhushishitongbu.html
OGG用于PG数据库之间双主实时同步(RDS for PG亦可)–OGG远程捕获和投递:https://www.dbaup.com/oggyongyupgshujukuzhijianshuangzhushishitongburds-for-pgyikeoggyuanchengbuhuohetoudi.html
使用OGG for PG微服务快速双向同步RDS数据库(双主):https://www.dbaup.com/shiyongogg-for-pgweifuwukuaisushuangxiangtongburdsshujukushuangzhu.html
使用OGG for Oracle微服务双向同步Oracle数据库搭建双主架构(含DDL):https://www.dbaup.com/shiyongogg-for-oracleweifuwushuangxiangtongbuoracleshujukuhanddl.html
使用OGG for mysql微服务搭建双主架构(含DDL):https://www.dbaup.com/shiyongogg-for-mysqlweifuwudajianshuangzhujiagouhanddl.html
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 | -- 创建专用网络 docker network create --subnet= ora-network -- OGG微服务 docker pull lhrbest/ogg213maoracle:v1.0 docker rm -f lhrogg213maoracle docker run -d --name lhrogg213maoracle -h lhrogg213maoracle \ --net=ora-network --ip \ -p 9391:3389 -p 29000-29005:9000-9005 \ -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \ --privileged=true lhrbest/ogg213maoracle:v1.0 \ /usr/sbin/init -- oracle 压测工具 docker pull lhrbest/lhrdbbench:1.0 docker rm -f lhrdbbench docker run -d --name lhrdbbench -h lhrdbbench \ --net=ora-network --ip \ -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \ --privileged=true lhrbest/lhrdbbench:1.0 \ /usr/sbin/init -- ora12c docker rm -f ora12c docker run -d --name ora12c -h ora12c \ -p 1554:1521 --net=ora-network --ip \ --privileged=true \ lhrbest/oracle_12cr2_ee_lhr_12.2.0.1:2.0 init -- ora19c docker rm -f ora19c docker run -d --name ora19c -h ora19c \ -p 1555:1521 --net=ora-network --ip \ -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \ --privileged=true lhrbest/oracle19clhr_rpm_db_12.2.0.3:2.0 \ /usr/sbin/init -- 数据库配置 1.开启数据库归档--如果没有开启 2.开启数据库级别附加日志--如果没有开始最小附加日志 3.开启强制日志--如果没有开启强制日志 4.设置ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICAT参数为TRUE 5.创建OGG用户包括包括源端用户、目标端用户以及OGG抽取用户 -- 2个库做配置 alter database add supplemental log data; alter database add supplemental log data (all) columns; alter database force logging; alter system set enable_goldengate_replication=TRUE; select name,supplemental_log_data_min , force_logging, log_mode from v$database; alter system set streams_pool_size = 128M; alter system set sga_max_size = 2g scope=spfile; alter system set sga_target = 2g scope=spfile; alter system set pga_aggregate_target=1g; startup force -- OGG管理用户 CREATE USER ogg identified by lhr; GRANT DBA to ogg; grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY to ogg; GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_LOCK TO ogg; grant select any transaction to ogg; grant select any table to ogg; grant flashback any table to ogg; grant alter any table to ogg; exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('OGG','*',TRUE) -- 业务用户 CREATE USER lhr identified by lhr; GRANT DBA to lhr ; grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY to lhr; GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_LOCK TO lhr; -- 启动监听 lsnrctl start lsnrctl status -- 源端数据初始化 /usr/local/swingbench/bin/oewizard -s -create -c /usr/local/swingbench/wizardconfigs/oewizard.xml -create \ -version 2.0 -cs // -dba "sys as sysdba" -dbap lhr -dt thin \ -ts users -u lhr -p lhr -allindexes -scale 0.001 -tc 16 -v -cl col TABLE_NAME format a30 SELECT a.table_name,a.num_rows FROM dba_tables a where a.OWNER='LHR' ; select object_type,count(*) from dba_objects where owner='LHR' group by object_type; select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_segments where owner='LHR'; -- 检查键是否正确:https://www.dbaup.com/ogg-01296-biaoyouzhujianhuoweiyijiandanshirengranshiyongquanbulielaijiexixing.html -- 否则OGG启动后,会报错:OGG-01296、OGG-06439、OGG-01169 Encountered an update where all key columns for target table LHR.ORDER_ITEMS are not present. select owner, constraint_name, constraint_type, status, validated from dba_constraints where owner='LHR' and VALIDATED='NOT VALIDATED'; select 'alter table lhr.'||TABLE_NAME||' enable validate constraint '||CONSTRAINT_NAME||';' from dba_constraints where owner='LHR' and VALIDATED='NOT VALIDATED'; -- 删除外键 SELECT 'ALTER TABLE '|| D.TABLE_NAME ||' DROP constraint '|| D.CONSTRAINT_NAME||';' FROM user_constraints d where d.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='R'; |
-s是静默,-create表示创建数据,-c是指定配置文件,就是oewizard.xml,-version指定swingbench版本,-cs表示数据库连接串,-dba表示连接到oracle数据库的用户,-dbap表示连接到oracle数据库的密码,-dt表示连接类型,-ts是指定表空间为users, -u表示压测的用户,-p表示压测用户的密码,-scale是数据量,1就是1G,0.001就是1Mb数据,-tc 是并发度,-allindexes是支持所有的索引类型,-v显示详细信息,-cl表示运行在字符模式。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 | [root@docker35 ~]# docker exec -it lhrdbbench bash [root@lhrdbbench /]# /usr/local/swingbench/bin/oewizard -s -create -c /usr/local/swingbench/wizardconfigs/oewizard.xml -create \ > -version 2.0 -cs // -dba "sys as sysdba" -dbap lhr -dt thin \ > -ts users -u lhr -p lhr -allindexes -scale 0.001 -tc 16 -v -cl Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@// Connected Starting run Starting script ../sql/soedgdrop2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 541 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgcreatetables2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 514 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgviews.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 62 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgsqlset.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 217 millisecond(s) Inserting data into table PRODUCT_INFORMATION Inserting data into table PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS Inserting data into table INVENTORIES Inserting data into table WAREHOUSES Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_16 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_10 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_7 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_11 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_14 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_8 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_15 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_2 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_1 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_9 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_13 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_3 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_9 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_14 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_11 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_13 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_15 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_8 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_2 in 0:00:11 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_1 in 0:00:11 Inserting data into table ORDERS_16 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_1335 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_5 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_16 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_4 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_12 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_10 in 0:00:11 Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_6 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_1 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_7 in 0:00:11entage completed : 12.60 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_2 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_5 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_3 in 0:00:11 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_9 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_16 in 0:00:11 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_7 Completed processing table WAREHOUSES in 0:00:11 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_6 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_4 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_12 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_5 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_6 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_4 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_15 Completed processing table ADDRESSES_12 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_13 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_5 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_8 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_15 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_3 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_7 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_10 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_3 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_14 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_10 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_11 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_8 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_801 Inserting data into table ORDERS_10 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_14 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_9 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDERS_7 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_534 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_12 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_2 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_1068 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_1 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_356 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_11 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_13 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_4 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_16 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_712 Inserting data into table ORDERS_9 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_0 Inserting data into table ORDERS_5 Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_6 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDERS_1 Inserting data into table ORDERS_13 Completed processing table PRODUCT_INFORMATION in 0:00:12 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_178 Inserting data into table ORDERS_3 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_534 in 0:00:00ge completed : 45.57 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_712 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_0 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_890 Inserting data into table ORDERS_11 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_356 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_267 Inserting data into table ORDERS_4 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_1068 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_1335 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_178 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_89 Inserting data into table ORDERS_2 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_801 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_890 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_1157 Inserting data into table ORDERS_14 Completed processing table PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS in 0:00:12 Completed processing table ORDERS_2 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_1246 Inserting data into table ORDERS_15 Completed processing table ORDERS_4 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDERS_10 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDERS_14 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_979 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_623 Inserting data into table ORDERS_12 Completed processing table ORDERS_11 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDERS_9 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDERS_8 Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_445 Completed processing table ORDERS_13 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table ORDERS_6 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_267 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDERS_5 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_16 Completed processing table ORDERS_3 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_13 Completed processing table ORDERS_7 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_11 Completed processing table ORDERS_16 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_15 Completed processing table ORDERS_8 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_10 Completed processing table ORDERS_1 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_1 Completed processing table ORDERS_12 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_2 Completed processing table ORDERS_15 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_3 Completed processing table ORDERS_6 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_5 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_89 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_8 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_1157 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_6 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_445 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_14 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_1246 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_623 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_7 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_12 Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_979 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_9 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_7 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_4 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_12 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_10 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_2 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_1 Inserting data into table LOGON_16 Inserting data into table LOGON_6 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_15 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_5 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_11 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_3 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_12 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_9 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_13 Inserting data into table LOGON_14 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_14 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_10 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_1 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_8 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_8 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_5 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_4 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_3 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_6 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_4 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_13 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_16 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_9 Inserting data into table LOGON_2 Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_11 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_15 Completed processing table LOGON_3 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_1 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_15 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_2 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_10 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_12 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_5 in 0:00:00 Inserting data into table LOGON_7 Completed processing table LOGON_9 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_11 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_8 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_4 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_16 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_13 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_7 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_6 in 0:00:00 Completed processing table LOGON_14 in 0:00:00 Connection cache closed Starting script ../sql/soedganalyzeschema2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 9 second(s) 371 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgconstraints2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 15 second(s) 303 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgindexes2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 18 second(s) 168 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgsequences2.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 267 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgpackage2_header.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 325 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgpackage2_body.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 286 millisecond(s) Starting script ../sql/soedgsetupmetadata.sql Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 1 second(s) 61 millisecond(s) ============================================ | Datagenerator Run Stats | ============================================ Connection Time 0:00:00.006 Data Generation Time 0:00:25.528 DDL Creation Time 0:00:46.255 Total Run Time 0:01:11.795 Rows Inserted per sec 35,959 Data Generated (MB) per sec 0.9 Actual Rows Generated 917,133 Commits Completed 227 Batch Updates Completed 4,725 Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@// Connected Post Creation Validation Report =============================== The schema appears to have been created successfully. Valid Objects ============= Valid Tables : 'ORDERS','ORDER_ITEMS','CUSTOMERS','WAREHOUSES','ORDERENTRY_METADATA','INVENTORIES','PRODUCT_INFORMATION','PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS','ADDRESSES','CARD_DETAILS' Valid Indexes : 'PRD_DESC_PK','PROD_NAME_IX','PRODUCT_INFORMATION_PK','PROD_SUPPLIER_IX','PROD_CATEGORY_IX','INVENTORY_PK','INV_PRODUCT_IX','INV_WAREHOUSE_IX','ORDER_PK','ORD_SALES_REP_IX','ORD_CUSTOMER_IX','ORD_ORDER_DATE_IX','ORD_WAREHOUSE_IX','ORDER_ITEMS_PK','ITEM_ORDER_IX','ITEM_PRODUCT_IX','WAREHOUSES_PK','WHS_LOCATION_IX','CUSTOMERS_PK','CUST_EMAIL_IX','CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX','CUST_FUNC_LOWER_NAME_IX','ADDRESS_PK','ADDRESS_CUST_IX','CARD_DETAILS_PK','CARDDETAILS_CUST_IX' Valid Views : 'PRODUCTS','PRODUCT_PRICES' Valid Sequences : 'CUSTOMER_SEQ','ORDERS_SEQ','ADDRESS_SEQ','LOGON_SEQ','CARD_DETAILS_SEQ' Valid Code : 'ORDERENTRY' Schema Created LHR@lhrsdb> col TABLE_NAME format a30 LHR@lhrsdb> SELECT a.table_name,a.num_rows FROM dba_tables a where a.OWNER='LHR' ; TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS ------------------------------ ---------- ADDRESSES 1500 CUSTOMERS 1000 CARD_DETAILS 1500 WAREHOUSES 1000 ORDER_ITEMS 7141 ORDERS 1430 INVENTORIES 899179 PRODUCT_INFORMATION 1000 LOGON 2383 PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS 1000 ORDERENTRY_METADATA 0 11 rows selected. LHR@lhrsdb> LHR@lhrsdb> select object_type,count(*) from dba_objects where owner='LHR' group by object_type; OBJECT_TYPE COUNT(*) ----------------------- ---------- SEQUENCE 5 PACKAGE 1 PACKAGE BODY 1 TABLE 11 VIEW 2 INDEX 27 6 rows selected. LHR@lhrsdb> LHR@lhrsdb> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_segments where owner='LHR'; SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024 -------------------- 279.5625 |
访问: ,用户名:oggadmin,密码:lhr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | OGG@lhrsdb> col tname format a20 OGG@lhrsdb> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID -------------------- -------------------------- ---------- CKPT TABLE CKPT_LOX TABLE GG_HEARTBEAT TABLE GG_HEARTBEAT_HISTORY TABLE GG_HEARTBEAT_SEED TABLE GG_LAG VIEW GG_LAG_HISTORY VIEW 7 rows selected. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | -- 让源端一直产生事务 /usr/local/swingbench/bin/charbench -c /usr/local/swingbench/configs/SOE_Server_Side_V2.xml \ -u lhr -p lhr -cs // -dt thin -uc 100 \ -a -v "users,tpm,tps,dml,cpu" \ -rr 5 -rt "00:30" -min 50 -max 50 -r "/tmp/test_lhrsdb.xml" -- 选择最小的scn号 SELECT TO_CHAR(MIN(start_scn) ) AS "Please select the minimum SCN" FROM v$transaction UNION ALL SELECT TO_CHAR(current_scn) FROM v$database; Please select the minimum SCN ---------------------------------------- 2410272 2410467 create directory d1 as '/home/oracle/'; grant all on directory d1 to public; create public database link DBL connect to system identified by lhr using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = lhrsdb )))'; -- 这里的flashback_scn选择最小的scn号 impdp lhr/lhr@ directory=D1 \ NETWORK_LINK=DBL flashback_scn=2410272 exclude=statistics parallel=12 \ cluster=no schemas=LHR logfile=impdp_dbl.log logtime=ALL \ TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE -- 也可以使用expdp+impdp expdp lhr/lhr directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=LHR.dmp SCHEMAS=LHR FLASHBACK_SCN=2410272 scp /opt/oracle/admin/lhrsdb/dpdump/LHR.dmp conn lhr/lhr@ create directory d1 as '/home/oracle/'; grant all on directory d1 to public; impdp lhr/lhr@ DIRECTORY=D1 schemas=LHR dumpfile=LHR.dmp TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE |
-c 使用配置文件:SOE_Server_Side_V2.xml
-cs 指定数据库连接字符串://
-a 自动运行
-v 显示运行统计值(使用逗号分隔,不能有空格),就是对应的指标
- Users:用户数;
- Tpm:每分钟事务数;
- Tps:每秒事务数;
- Trans:事务信息,对应swingbench的Transactions页签中的Short Name
- Dml:包括:查询、插入、更新、删除、提交
-r 指定测试结果文件名称,默认为results.xml
-rr 控制台刷新显示频率(单位:秒),默认每秒显示一次;